How do I release a FirstAgenda Prepare meeting?

This article describes the procedure for releasing agendas created in FirstAgenda Prepare.

If you want to read more about releasing agendas from a DMS follow this link: This is how you release agendas from a DMS

How to release agendas created in FirstAgenda Prepare

  • Click Meetings in the left menu
  • Click on the blue arrow to the right
Unreleased version


  • When the meeting is ready for release, the "Go to release" button will switch to orange and become clickable
  • If you don't have any changes to your meeting click the "Go to release"-button
Go to release


  • The release page appears
  • If necessary, write a comment to the meeting participants and then click on the "Release" button


Note: Write a comment in the box if you have an important message you want to send out to the team members along with the agenda notification. Perhaps you want to give a reminder, that the meeting is being held in a different meeting room than usual. The comment will become a part of the email notification that is sent to the team members.

If you don't want your team members to be notified about the release of the agenda, be sure to uncheck Notify team members