How do I activate approval on an agenda item?

"Allow Approval" must be enabled on a committee before you can set an agenda item for approval. Learn how to enable the Authentication feature on a selection.

How to enable approval on an agenda item

  • Log in to FirstAgenda Prepare
  • Click Meetings in the left menu
  • Choose your agenda (remember "Allow approve" must be activated in the selection before you can set an agenda item for approval)
    • Note: in the web meeting creation, the agenda must be processed at least once before the "Set" tab is visible.On the Set tab, you will find the item on which you want authentication to be activated. Click on the 'slider' so that it turns blue 
  • Activate authentication
Activate authentication


Approval is now activated on this point.

How to turn off authentication

If you want to deactivate approval at a point, turn off the same 'slider' so that it turns gray. Users will no longer be able to approve the item.