Local election - what you need to remember in FirstAgenda

When it is time for the local election there is a long list of tasks that need to be taken care of. To help you through the process in the best possible matter, we have gathered a list of situations where you as agenda producer can benefit from the tools provided by FirstAgenda.

Shortly after the local election

When the last political meeting of the year has been held

  • Do you want to create new Teams?
    It is important that you consider if you want to continue creating agendas in the existing political teams or if you want to create new teams in your DMS.
    If you want to create new teams in your DMS it is a good idea to make the old team historical. See how below.
  • Make teams historical
    If you want, you have the opportunity to make the current teams historical so they do not 'disrupt' the new parliamentary term. Read how you make the team menu manageable and how re-elected politicians can access agendas for both the new and the old parliamentary term. This is how you make team historic
  • Remove and deactivate users
    Remember to remove the users from the current political team - unless they get re-elected. Consider if some of the users should be deactivated in FirstAgenda.
  • Attach members to the new team
    Remember to attach the newly elected members to the different teams - and invite the users which do not already use FirstAgenda.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions at support@firstagenda.dk