Offline - Is it safe?

As you can read below, we have made security a top priority when in offline mode.

Security when storing data on your iPad

Your downloaded agendas and minutes are on your iPad's local storage and are therefore encrypted and cannot be accessed by others because of the iPad's encryption system and data protection. We have also ensured that it is not possible to back up the local storage to either iCloud or iTunes.

If you want to read more about data protection, go to the chapter on ”Encryption and Data Protection” in the document iOS Security.

How you can do something about security

We recommend that Lock with code is activated and Simple code is deactivated in  "Setting" on your iPad. When "Simple code" is deactivated, you can enter an extended code. Also, set "Demand code" to Soon.

If you have an iPad Air 2, it is a good idea to use your finger print to open your iPad. Add your finger print under Touch-ID & code in "Settings".

You can always delete agendas by clicking on Clear local storage in the settings of the FirstAgenda Prepare app (look for the small, blue cog in the bottom left corner on the team level).

Remember that you must always use your user name and code for the FirstAgenda Prepare app - even when you are offline.