Info: Cleaning up in users

<p><strong>For information only:</strong></p><p>On Monday, June 12, we will clean up Prepare users who in one way or another have gotten into a bad state, and who are therefore "ghost" users in FirstAgenda Prepare, because they do not have a correct connection to the system .</p><p>This means that you may experience a decrease in the number of users in your user list. The drop is due to us removing the "ghost" users from your organization.</p><p>The cleanup helps to create a better overview of your users and avoid chaos when creating new users.</p><p>It may happen that the cleaning is done a little too thoroughly and that you have to create an invitation that has not yet been used again, if your organization uses FirstAgenda login. However, we will do what we can to ensure that it does not become relevant.</p><p>The cleanup will not affect performance or the ability to access the system.</p>