How do I create a note?

You can make notes to main documents and appendices in an agenda. Your notes can be seen in the main document or the appendix but also in the overview of notes. Your notes are personal and can only be seen by you, but it is also possible for you to share them with others.

Here's how to create a note on an ipad:

  • Choose a main document or an appendix
  • Hold your finger down on the screen
  • Slide your finger up to icon for notes
  • Write a note in the text field and touch the blue checkmark to save
Create note on iPad
Write a note


How to create a note on web:

  • Select your main document or an appendix
  • Click with the mouse on the location in the text, where you would like to make a note
  • A text box will appear, in which you can write your note
  • Once you have written your note, click the blue checkmark to save
Create a note on web


Note: The notes are personal and can not be shared with others. If you still want to share your note, you need to create a shared comment, by copying your text and start a shared comment