When do I, and when do I NOT need to create a team in FirstAgenda Prepare?

If you create meetings from an external DMS system:

You should NOT create teams in FirstAgenda Prepare. When you create your agendas in an underlying system, as a DMS system, you only need to create the team in your DMS system. As soon as you have published the agenda to the team, the team will automatically be created in FirstAgenda Prepare.

Remember: You need to be added to the new team and be assigned the rights as agenda producer to be able to see the agenda and the new team in FirstAgenda Prepare. Please, contact the administrator to be assigned to the new team.


If you have an auto allocator installed, the team should be created from the list that belongs to the auto allocator before the agenda can be transferred to FirstAgenda Prepare. An auto allocator can, for instance, be used if more organisations in FirstAgenda Prepare need to receive the same agenda. Contact the administrator in your organisation to have the team added to the list

If you create meetings directly through FirstAgenda Prepare

You need to create the team if FirstAgenda Prepare is not integrated with an underlying agenda system - as for example a DMS system. You use FirstAgenda Prepare as an agenda system where you create and write agendas directly in FirstAgenda Prepare. Before you can start creating meetings you, therefore, need to create a team in FirstAgenda Prepare.

You can also create a team in FirstAgenda Prepare even though you use a DMS system. But as mentioned above, it is only for teams that do not exist in your DMS system.

Learn how you create teams in FirstAgenda Prepare.