How do I change the general settings?

You have to be an administrator to change the general settings.

Note: Some settings can be made directly in Prepare, other settings are made on the user administration site. You are automatically taken to the user administration site when you click on ‘Edit organisation’. Also, be aware that all changes made under ‘Settings’ take effect for all users.

How to change the general settings

  • Select ‘Settings’ in the left menu of FirstAgenda Prepare
  • Select the setting you wish to change
  • If you cannot change the setting on Prepare, press ‘Edit organization’
  • Always click ‘Save’ when you have made your changes


Overview of settings


These settings are changed on the user administration site. On Prepare you have an overview of organisation name, language and active users. To edit, click on ‘Edit organisation’ in the right corner. You will now be directed to the user administration site.

Here you can change the organisation name, language and time zone. The chosen language is reflected in FirstAgenda Prepare and in emails sent from FirstAgenda.

Remember to press ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page when you have finished your corrections.


These settings are also made on the user administration site. On Prepare, you can see the number of days between password changes and the number of allowed wrong logins. If you want to edit these, press ‘Edit organisation’ and you will be taken to the user administration site.

  • Number of days between password changes: select the number of days before a user is prompted to change their password
  • ‘Number of wrong logins allowed’: enter how many times a user can enter an incorrect password before the user's login is blocked. We recommend setting the error attempts to min. 5.
  • ‘2-factor login’: switch on whether the users in the organisation must use 2-factor login every time they log in.

Remember to press ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page when you have finished your corrections.


  • Hide history from the front page: per default, meeting participants can see a history of agendas and meeting minutes on the front page. This shows them if someone has released an agenda/meeting minutes, and which changes that have been made. Turn on this function, if you don’t want them to see this history.
  • Show the end time for a meeting: shows the end time for a meeting on the front page for the meeting.
  • Show titles of closed agenda items: as per standard, titles of closed agenda items are only visible for team members. If you activate “Show titles of closed items”, users, who are not members of the teams, will also be able to see the title of a closed item, but they WON’T be able to see the content of the item.
  • Show Download PDF link on agendas: a “PDF” button will be shown in the top right corner of an agenda item, and in all agendas and meeting minutes. This makes it possible for meeting participants to print out the content of an agenda item.
  • Show comments in email notifications: allows the content from shared comments to be shown in email notifications.


  • Timeout on iPad (minutes): adjust how much time goes by, before a user  will be logged off in the FirstAgenda App because of inactivity. You can chose within a range of 10 minutes and 5 hours.
  • Empty local storage on iPad: as per standard, data from FirstAgenda is stored in the iPad’s local storage. This optimizes the response time and performance when using FirstAgenda. You can turn on “Empty local storage”, if you wish to delete all data for the users. Deleting the data will mean that all documents etc. will be loaded anew the next time the user logs in to the FirstAgenda app again.
    • Note: when “Empty local storage” is turned on, it isn’t possible to download agendas for offline use.



  • Allow copying meeting templates from other committees: Turn on the slider if agenda collectors should be allowed to do this
  • Allow copying meeting templates with content: Turn on the slider if agenda collectors should be allowed to do this



  • Support email, telephone, etc.: enter the contact details of the person or support unit in your organisation who has the support on FirstAgenda Prepare. It is important to continuously update this data, as the information appears, among other things, in emails sent from FirstAgenda Prepare to the end users.
  • These settings are made on the user administration page, so tap ‘Edit organisation’ in the right corner.
  • You can now change the information. Click on ‘Save’.




Here, you can download PDFs about FirstAgenda's audit statement of assurance and Support procedure.



Here you can download various logs, for example a user list and administrator list.