The protocol contains different elements as listed below. If you are in doubt how to download the content of the protocol, read mere here.
- First, the protocol contains some general basis information as committee name, location, time and date of the meeting
- Next, all the meeting participants that have been present at the meeting will be listed. You can also see the ones that have been absent
- The next page will give you an overview of the agenda
- From here, you will be met with a review of the different agenda items including the propositions, suggestions, voting results and accepts or declines that has been made
- You can follow the information that will appear in the protocol, while or before/after the meeting is held by clicking Protocol as shown below. Here you can add propositions, decisions, voting results and much more
- You can follow the information that will appear in the protocol, while or before/after the meeting is held by clicking Protocol as shown below. Here you can add propositions, decisions, voting results and much more

- Next to every agenda item the following will be visible: Title, item number and suggestion/proposition
- Besides, you will find a detailed participant list for each agenda item if some meeting attendees have not been present during the entire meeting.