FirstAgenda Prepare - Various bug fixes

Submitted by Emilie on Thu, 10/06/2022 - 19:46

Currently, the development team is optimizing the entire platform behind FirstAgenda Prepare to build on the latest technology. This is necessary in order to future-proof the product and provide the best user experience. In addition to the optimization, they also had the opportunity to do the following:

Bug fixes:


  • Approval and reset
    Meeting participant's approval was not reset after the agenda producer had reset approval on an item after a change. It is now fixed and reset works as expected.
  • Deleted user and approval sheet
    If a user has approved an item, this user's approval appears on the approval sheet - even if the user is deleted at a later stage.


  • Shared comments and deleted users
    If a user who had created a shared comment was subsequently deleted, it was not possible for the other chat members to continue the dialogue. They can now.