FirstAgenda Prepare - Update shortly before christmas

Submitted by Emilie on Wed, 01/05/2022 - 18:35

Just before christmas we had the last release of Prepare of the year.

You can read about the content below.

Non-released meetings and visibility for reviewers

Before, reviewers could see the unreleased meeting, even though you as an agenda producer had not yet sent a notification that the meeting was ready for perusal.

The flow has now been changed so that the meeting is only visible to reviewers the moment you, as the agenda producer, click on the "Send for review" button and follow the instructions.

This means that the agenda producer decides when the meeting is ready for reading.

The change applies to both Manual meetings and DMS meetings

Further optimization for reading documents

The reader in the web-app has been further optimized, so that it now goes even more smoothly when browsing the documents on the web - also when reading multi-page documents.


Highlights were rotated in the download PDF

When a marking or highlight was made in a document, the same highlight was rotated in the downloaded PDF. (By clicking on the link "Download content" on the front page of the reading section).
It is now fixed so that the highlight turns correctly!