FirstAgenda Prepare - Scanning for National ID Number

Submitted by Emilie on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 13:37

New Functionality and Improvements

Scanning Tool with National ID Number Scanning:

In Prepare, it is now possible to scan documents for National ID Numbers. The function is an add-on and can be activated at the committee level. Once activated, all newly uploaded material in the committee is scanned for National ID Numbers. If any National ID Numbers are found, they are presented to you, the agenda producer, before release, and you can choose to modify the document either in your DHS system or in the manual meeting creation. You may also choose to release without editing the documents.


"Send for Review" - agenda producer should also receive notification email:
Now, the agenda producer also receives a notification email when an agenda is ready for review. This means that the agenda producer is informed that other reviewers have also received the notification.

Organization Administrator

Support information for organizations:
A new field has been added: “Support Contact Info.” This field is mandatory, as is the "Support Phone Number" field. The other fields are optional, and the “Support Email” field has become a text field. We hope this addresses the inquiries we have received regarding support fields.


Warning when creating a username for AD user:
If, as an AD user, you are on your profile on the user administration pages and attempt to create a username for your AD user, you will now receive a warning if the username contains your AD email domain.

Bug Fixes

Additional participant now receives correct email notifications:
When an additional participant is associated with a meeting, these two email notifications are automatically enabled for the user: "New and Updated Agendas" and "Comment Sharing."

Switch to org with 2-factor:
If on your user administration profile you were on “Organizations” and clicked on an organization requiring 2-factor authentication, nothing happened. This has now been fixed, so you are prompted for an SMS code before accessing the 2-factor organization.