FirstAgenda Prepare - New updates

Submitted by Emilie on Mon, 12/13/2021 - 18:34

The reader on web is optimzed

We have optimzed the readability for you, when you need to read big documents on web. Beforehand it could take a while for you to read through the document, because of the loading time.

After our update the loading time is now a lot faster and it really imrpoves the readability when you have to Prepare for your meeting. 

Manual Meetings

You, who creates meetings in Prepare, will also see a big improvement when editing a meeting you have created.

From now on when you have click on the orange arrow next to a published meeting you DON'T make a new version. Instead you will go to the meeting where you can edit the settings. Which means remove particpants from an closed item, add an extra particpant or check up on the approvals.  

If you want to change in the content of the meeting, you click on the button "Edit content", and now you can add, remove or edit content on your items.

Furthermore you don't make a new version if you click on your meeting from the frontpage of the adminsite.



Is solved, so you once again can make chatgroups on web. The fix will be release to the iPad-app with the next app version.


Bug in connection to edting of rights on the approvaldocument is fixed -  along with other small errors.