FirstAgenda Prepare - Many good news

Submitted by Andreas on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 14:27

In recent times, a lot of work has been done on a wide range of optimizations in FirstAgenda Prepare. It is now possible to activate automatic deletion of meetings, use Touch and Face ID with extended timeout, and various improvements have been made to user administration.


  • Automatic deletion of meetings: You can now activate "Automatic deletion of meetings." You do this at the committee level with the setting "Automatic deletion of meetings." Once you've enabled the setting, you need to enter the number of days after the meeting's conclusion when the meeting should be deleted. Then click "Save," and the feature will take effect. 
    Note: If you wish to use the "Automatic deletion of meetings" feature, please contact our support department. 
  • See the status of all users: The link "See status for all users" at the top right of the user list works if you have the "Can manage users" permission. Previously, it required being an organization administrator for the link to work. Clicking the link will take you to the user administration page. 
  • "Last connection" timestamp for the upload client is now correct: Under organization settings, the list of activity for the upload client is displayed. The "Last activity" timestamp now appears correctly based on the user's selected time zone in their user profile. 
  • Comment sharing: The chat now updates instantly. This means you can see when someone else is typing a message to you, and as soon as the message is sent, you can view it without having to refresh the page. This feature requires having the chat window open. 
  • The prefix "CLOSED" on a closed item: It is now translated into NO, SE, FI, DE, and DK in Prepare.

Prepare App

  • Touch ID and Face ID with extended timeout: Previously, the system had a 24-hour timeout for these features. It has now been extended to 30 days. This means you can use Touch ID and Face ID as login methods on the iPad app within a 30-day period. After the 30 days, you will be prompted to log in with your username + password to confirm your user identity. Then the timeout will be extended for another 30 days and so on.


  • External users: In AD-Organizations, user administrators can now activate the "External User" setting for both invitations and already-created users. 
    Note: If you are in an AD-organization and cannot see the setting, please contact our support department. 
  • Display one-time code on user account: In organizations where 2-factor login is enabled, user administrators can now view the one-time code for a user who is logging in by clicking the link "Show code" on the user's profile in user administration. 
  • Profile pages: The "Back to" icon has been replaced with a breadcrumb solution. On profile pages, you can now find your way back to either Prepare or Live by clicking on the breadcrumb text "Back to Prepare" (if you came from Prepare) and "Back to Live" (if you came from Live) at the top above "Personal Information." 
  • Redirect to the correct organization after an invitation: When an existing user is invited to join a new organization, the user will now land in the organization they were invited to.