Et nyt år er selvfølgelig også lig med nye produktopdateringer, og nedenfor finder du den første af slagsen til FirstAgenda Prepare her i 2025. Her er der blandt andet blevet udviklet det, vi kalder “Flydende noter på tværs af møder og udvalg”. Derudover har vi også udvidet scanning af CPR-funktionen, så den nu også scanner for e-mails og telefonnumre, inden mødet frigives til mødedeltagerne.
- Floating Notes across Meetings and Committees:
With floating notes and highlights, notes and highlights now follow the document where they were made by the individual user. For example, a meeting participant might write a note on a document under item 2 in the Finance Committee. If the case then proceeds to the City Council, the same note will appear on the document. However, this requires that the meeting participant is part of both meetings before the functionality is activated, and of course, only the participant can see their personal notes. The benefit of this new functionality is that participants no longer need to switch back and forth between two meetings in different committees to access their notes and highlights.
- NB: This functionality is currently only available for meetings transferred from the case management system GetOrganized, as documents from this system are transferred with a unique document/case ID. We hope and aim to expand the functionality to support more case management systems, but as long as we do not receive a unique document/case ID, this is unfortunately not possible.
- NB: This functionality is currently only available for meetings transferred from the case management system GetOrganized, as documents from this system are transferred with a unique document/case ID. We hope and aim to expand the functionality to support more case management systems, but as long as we do not receive a unique document/case ID, this is unfortunately not possible.
- Scanning Emails and Phone Numbers:
We previously wrote about the ability to scan meeting materials for CPR numbers before release. This functionality has now been expanded to also support scanning for emails and phone numbers. This means that before release, you will be alerted to potential occurrences of CPR numbers, phone numbers, and emails, which you can review and possibly remove before release.
The functionality is activated at the committee level, and you can choose whether it should scan for CPR numbers, emails, and phone numbers, or only specific data types.
- NB: Data scanning is an add-on to your existing contract. If you would like to know more about the functionality, please contact your FirstAgenda representative.