FirstAgenda Prepare - Fixes to bulk-association and other minor issues

Submitted by Andreas on Thu, 09/26/2024 - 08:53

In the latest product update for FirstAgenda Prepare, we have corrected the bulk-association feature so it is no longer possible when the group only has one associated organization. We have also fixed an issue with SMS notifications and adjusted the support URL.

Read more about the fixes below.

  • HTML character codes appear instead of æ, ø, and å in SMS notifications upon release

If SMS notifications were enabled for an organization, and a comment was written upon release, æ-ø-å were displayed as different character codes instead of æ-ø-å. This has now been fixed so æ-ø-å are displayed correctly in SMS notifications.

  • "Associate user" is visible even if the group only has one organization

Previously, the "Associate user" button, also known as the "Bulk Association" function, was visible even if the group only had one associated organization. We have now adjusted this so there must be at least two organizations in a group before the button becomes visible and the functionality can be used.

  • Support URL always points to the Swedish support site

Some users may have experienced that the support link pointed to the Swedish version of our support site. This has now been corrected so that the support site matches the language of the organization.