Why is my agenda delayed?

If you have waited longer than 30 minutes and your agenda has not arrived in FirstAgenda, you should first ensure that the agenda has been transferred to us at first.

Check if the upload client is running

First of all, check when your upload client has last run. Here's how to do it:

  • Log into FirstAgenda via https://web.firstagenda.com
  • Click "Settings" in the left menu (If you do not have access to "Settings", please contact the administrator of the an organization)
  • Scroll down the page until you find the "Upload Settings" section
  • Check the latest timestamp
Clients Upload with information about last connection

The upload client has stopped

When the "last connection" timestamp is earlier than the time you have published your agenda.

Grab your IT department and reboot the scheduled task that runs "eDagsordenStarter.exe" (or named "FirstAgendaStarter.exe").

The upload client is running

When the "last connection" timestamp is later than the time you've published your agenda, the upload client runs but it has not found your agenda. Then you have to check if the agenda is landed in the source folder.

The source directory is the folder where the agendas land before they are transferred through the upload client to FirstAgenda. The folder is on your own server in the organization. If you don't have access to the source folder - or the folder where the agendas are transferred to before they are transfering to us - you should contact the person in your organisation which has access to this folder. It could be an administrator of FirstAgenda or a person employed in your IT department.

If the upload client is running and the source folder is empty

Contact FirstAgenda Support: support@firstagenda.dk