New Features
PDF Viewer:
With the PDF viewer, users can now read an attached PDF file directly in LetDialog 2.
Auto-Provisioning with Role Management:
Auto-provisioning means that if your organization uses AD login, employees will automatically be created in the system the first time they log in with their AD credentials. With role management, an optional feature within auto-provisioning, organizations can centrally manage users' roles. Users will be automatically updated in LetDialog 2 based on the accompanying role claim from the organization's AD (Identity Provider).
When auto-provisioning is activated, AD users will be required to log in again after 10 hours on iOS and Android. This ensures that we receive "fresh" claims from the organization's AD (Identity Provider). This matches the experience users already have in the web app.
Error Handling in Auto-Provisioning:
If an error occurs during auto-provisioning, users will receive a clear explanation of what went wrong. Is a claim missing? Is a claim value incorrect? etc. If the issue involves claims, users will need to contact their organization's IT department or LetDialog administrator for assistance.
Coming in the Next Release:
Device Management will enable organizations to centrally manage organizational unit memberships (including roles within these units). This feature requires AD as well as FKO activation within the organization.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where attempting to edit a "pending" dialogue user (a user who hasn’t yet joined the dialogue due to missing consent) caused an error.
- Resolved a bug in organization administration where the number of participants in dialogues was displayed incorrectly (only relevant for organization administrators). The correct count is now shown.
- When a session expired due to inactivity, users were met with a message such as "Your session has expired. Please log in again," along with a button to redirect them to the login page. In some cases, clicking this button caused an error. This issue has been fixed, ensuring users are properly redirected to the login page.