FirstAgenda Live - Improvements to absence management

Submitted by Emilie on Wed, 08/14/2024 - 14:49

Improvement of absence management:
Previously, meeting participants could report absences at the meeting level after the meeting had started. This caused issues during multi-day meetings where a participant attended one day and reported an absence for the same meeting the next day. This resulted in the participant being marked as absent for the entire meeting rather than for the specific items where they were absent.
With the new update, meeting participants can no longer report absences for the entire meeting after the meeting has started. This allows the administrator to manage the participant's absence at the item level, ensuring accurate recording of attendance and absence.

Addition of absence reason when declining an invitation:
It is now mandatory for substitutes to provide a reason when they decline an invitation. Previously, substitutes could decline an invitation without specifying a reason, which could create ambiguity regarding valid absences.

Default setting for blank votes during polls:
We have introduced a new setting that determines whether it should be possible by default to cast a blank vote for all proposals and settings that are put to a vote in the organization. Administrators still have full control and can deactivate or activate the option to cast a blank vote on individual polls at any time, providing flexibility in the voting process.

Update of heading when submitting a proposal:
We have fixed an issue in the user interface where meeting participants submitting a new proposal were presented with the heading "Edit Proposal." To accurately reflect the process, the heading has now been changed to "Submit Proposal." This makes it clear that the participant is submitting a new proposal and not editing an existing one.

Expanded functionality for conflict of interest assessment of substitutes:
Administrators can now more effectively manage conflict of interest assessments for substitutes on agenda items. Previously, the administrator could only mark a substitute as having a conflict of interest, which required a manual workaround to summon a new substitute and note this in the minutes. With the new update, the administrator can now:

  • Mark a substitute as having a conflict of interest on a specific agenda item.
  • Summon a new substitute who can participate in the discussion of the relevant item.

This ensures that the correct participants are present for the discussion of the relevant item, allowing the administrator to handle conflict of interest cases smoothly without the need for manual interventions.