What do I do if we change our DMS system?

If you find yourselves in a situation where your DMS systeme needs to be replaced, FirstAgenda will also need to be involved. We have several committees integrated with the current DMS system, and these connections need to be updated during the transition.

Here's what you should do in connection with changing your DMS system:

When there is a change in your DMS system, it is important that you reach out to FirstAgenda's support or your customer representative at FirstAgenda. 

When you contact us about changing the DMS system, we need to know the following:

  1. Which DMS system you are switching to.
  2. When you are switching to the DMS system. Additionally, we need to be informed whether the transition is happening all at once or if it will occur in multiple stages.

From FirstAgenda, you will receive an Excel file that already contains some information, and you will also need to fill in some details yourselves.

If you are switching to a new DMS system all at once:

The Excel file you receive will initially contain the names of your current committees in FirstAgenda, along with their IDs in the current DMS system.

You should fill in:

  • In the Excel file, there will be a third column named "New Committee ID," which you need to complete with the new ID for each committee.

Once this Excel file is filled out, send it back to FirstAgenda, and we will ensure that the committees transition to the specified IDs on the chosen date.

If you are switching to a new DMS system in multiple stages:

If you are transitioning to a new DMS system in multiple stages, please divide the Excel file accordingly. This means splitting the Excel file based on the specific timeframes for each stage, along with the corresponding committees.

Please note:

You cannot run two different DMS systems simultaneously unless they operate on the same structure within FirstAgenda. If you are uncertain about this, you can request this information from FirstAgenda.