How do I find committees and meetings?

You can navigate between teams, meetings, agendas, main documents, and appendices in the left-side menu. Under My team, you will find the teams you are a member of. Under Other teams, you will find the teams in your organisation that you are not a member of, but which you can read the agendas from which are open. Under Historical teams, you will find 'old' teams which are no longer relevant.

How to find a particular agenda:

  • Choose a Team in the left-side menu


  • Choose a meeting time for the meeting


  • Choose the agenda item you want to read and navigate between the main document and appendices via the menu on the left and the "go back" button in the top left corner
Agenda items


  • You can also switch between the different agendas quickly by using the arrows in the top right corner
Pile op og ned
Next agenda item



  • The red color indicates that an item is closed
  • The clips in the blue circle indicate that the item has one or more attachments

Click on The list icon (not available in the web edition) at the top of the screen to hide the left-side menu.