How do I install the FirstAgenda Upload-client?

This installation guide is a guide to setting up the encrypted HTTPS-transfer, so that you can transfer your agendas to FirstAgenda by using the FirstAgenda Upload-client. Note that the FirstAgenda Upload-client can only be installed on Windows.

Overview before you start

  • Communication via the Upload-client runs on port 433, which is the standard port for HTTPS. Note that this port must be open for outgoing traffic.
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or newer must be installed on the server which the Upload-client is installed on.
  • You need to use the information found in FirstAgenda under the menu point Settings. You will therefore need a log in for FirstAgenda with administration rights. When you have activated your user for FirstAgenda, you will find the necessary information on FirstAgenda via
  • You will need to create two folders on the server: one folder for the installation files, one folder for the agenda files (the folders must be in the same destination on the server, and not within eachother).
    The Upload-client deletes agenda files from their destination on the server after each upload.
  • We recommend that you create a Service user for the conduct of the Upload-client on the server, and that this user only has access to the Upload-client. This way, you can ensure that no wrong files are transferred/deleted.

Installation of the upload-client

Before you can install the Upload-client, you must activate it in your organization. If it isn't activated, contact us on to activate the use of the Upload-client. Afterwards, you are ready to install the FirstAgenda Upload-client.

1. Start by creating the two folders on the server: one folder for the installation files (you could call this "FirstAgendaUploader"), and a second folder for the agenda files (you could call this "FirstAgendaMeetings").

2. Log in to FirstAgenda via Remember that the user you log in with must have administration rights.

3. In FirstAgenda, select the menu Settings. Scroll down the page until you get to Upload settings.

4.  Enter the file path to the agenda folder ("FirstAgendaMeetings") . This is saved automatically. See the example below.

Options for the upoload client and a blue "download" button


  1. Click on Download client
  2. Open the zip file and copy the installation files ”FirstagendaStarter.exe” og ”Settings.xml” to the folder "FirstAgendaUploader" which you have just created.
  3. Run the file FirstagendaStarter.exe. Once this process is complete, you will see that the folder "FirstAgendaUploader" now contains further files. You should expect to see an error message: "Could not validate this client".
  4. Go to FirstAgenda again, select the Settings menu (or refresh the page, if you are still at it), and confirm your server under "upload settings" by clicking on Approve. See the example below.
  5. The Upload-client is now installed on your server. Wait 5 minutes, and check if it is connected, by making a manual transfer of an agenda. Read how you do this: How do I test that I can transfer agendas?
  6. If this works, you are ready to create automatic transfers of agendas through Scheduled Task.

Creation of scheduled task

An automatic transfer of your agendas to FirstAgenda should be created through the use of Scheduled Task in the operating system (Windows).

Note: The service user that should conduct the scheduled task needs full rights (create/delete/modify) for the "FirstAgendaMeetings" folder, so that outputs can be deleted.

We refer to for information about the creation of Scheduled Task.


When you create a scheduled task, it is omportant that it runs the "FirstAgendaStarter.exe" file and NOT the "FirstAgendaClient.exe" file. FirstAgendaStarter.exe automatically updates the client when there are new files, and this will not happen if you run FirstAgendaClient.exe instead.

If you need to change server

... you must make the same set-up as described above and install the Upload-client on the new server.