FirstAgenda Prepare - New filtering for searches

Submitted by Emilie on Thu, 11/02/2023 - 10:45



Option to exclude attachments during searches:

We have added another filtering option to the search function. Now you can exclude attachments when conducting a search in Prepare, making it easier to search only within the main case. Attachments will also be displayed with a label in the result list.

Note: This new filtering is currently available only on the web - we will notify you as soon as it is also available in the iPad app.

Send for Review:

When you send something for review, it will now be visible whether the selected user is an agenda producer. This means that when you choose who should receive a notification that an agenda is ready for review, agenda producers will also appear in the list with a clear marking as agenda producer.


Bug Fixes:

  • User Synchronization:
    The synchronization of the user list in Prepare for a newly created user from user administration now happens faster, and the new user will be highlighted with a yellow color in the user list in Prepare
  • Agenda producers will no longer receive emails when new committees are created:
    Previously, both agenda producers and organization administrators received emails when new committees were created. This has now been corrected so that it applies only to organization administrators.