FirstAgenda Prepare - New Feature and Several Fixes

Submitted by Emilie on Thu, 11/16/2023 - 11:01

New functionality:

Share comments with high priority

It is now possible to send a shared comment with high priority. This is done by checking the box next to the text "Send with high priority" when sharing a chat message. When the recipient receives the notification, the email will be marked with high priority in the inbox. In the chat window, it will be clear which shared comments have been sent with high priority. They are marked with a red exclamation mark. 

NOTE: The new feature is initially available on the web and not in the iPad app. Additionally, only Outlook can display the high priority marking.



  • PDF button removed from thumbnail overview: 
    The PDF button on the thumbnail overview has been removed since it is no longer necessary after making it possible to download the entire item content. 
  • Approval list freezing: 
    The "freezing" of the approval list could be triggered by deleting a user who was set to approve an item. Afterward, the list of meeting participants who needed to approve the item would 'freeze,' preventing new meeting participants from being added to the approval list. This has now been fixed, and the list no longer "freezes." 
  • Meeting creation timestamp...: 
    Displayed based on the time the agenda creator created the meeting. For example, if the meeting is created to start at 8:00 AM Danish time, the start meeting time for a participant in Finland will be at 9:00 AM. 
  • News on the front page of web admin: 
    In the news, the text "Invalid date" was displayed instead of the correct date of the news article's publication. This has now been corrected, and the date is displayed again.